Green Malay Kratom

Green Malay Kratom

Green Malay Kratom

Malay is derived from the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. This variety of tree is also known as the Kratom tree. Also the leaves that it produces have a unique alkaloid profile that makes them potentially useful for several different reasons. For example, reviewers have indicated that Green Vein Malay offers a noticeable analgesic effect. And it is also reported to provide natural mood enhancement and relaxant effects.

Malay leaves of all varieties have a unique smell that makes it easy to tell them apart from other Mitragyna Speciosa byproducts. As with every other known Kratom trees, there are three distinct types of leaves. They can be harvested from Malay: green vein, red vein and white vein. Try Kratom today and feel the difference.


All of the Kratom leaf products from Malaysia are popular. Due to their unique properties and the strength of each strain. Of course, the popularity of each product is also based on availability and each consumer’s individual needs. Green Vein Malay offers a more moderate version of the effects that are typically associated with the red and white veined strain.


The alkaloid makeup of Green Vein Malay offers consumers an interesting mixture of the approximately 25 alkaloids that exist in all Kratom tree leaves. There are notable percentages of the main alkaloids, including 7-Hydroxymitragynine and Mitragnynine. Additionally, several other alkaloids stand out in this particular profile such as Speciogynine. Mitraphylline and 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine. In conclusion, Kratom is awsome.

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(530) 527-9700

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