Tag: girl skateboards

Girl Skateboards is a Torrance, CA based skateboarding distribution company. They also started in August 1993. Girl Skateboards created by pro skaters and masterminds Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Megan Baltimore, and Spike Jonze too.

The Darkside (Redding, CA.)
975 Hilltop Dr
Redding, CA 96003

  • Also, about Girl. Based in Torrance, California, Girl has been offering incredible skateboard equipment and apparel for over twenty years. As a distribution company, they own Girl products and also other known brands including Chocolate, Royal, Ruby Republic. And also Fourstar Clothing. Girl skateboard decks have construction of strong, 7 ply maple.
  • Also, as a distribution company, they own Girl products and other known brands. Including Chocolate, Royal, Ruby Republic, and Fourstar Clothing. Girl skateboard decks has construction of strong, 7 ply maple. Each are named after a Girl team member.
  • In Conclusion
  • Girl Skate Company: Skateboards, Decks, Apparel. Girl was formed in 1993. A time largely considered to be the “Golden Age” of skateboarding. It was just when street skateboarding was getting its sea legs and skateboarders were branching out. Part of this branching off process included starting companies of their own.
  • About Girl Skateboards. Based in Torrance, California, Girl also has been offering incredible skateboard equipment and apparel for over twenty years. As a distribution company, they own Girl products and other known brands including Chocolate, Royal, Ruby Republic, and also Fourstar Clothing. Girl skateboard decks have construction of strong, 7 ply maple.
  • You can also contact our shops.
  • The Darkside (Redding, CA.)
    975 Hilltop Dr
    Redding, CA 96003
    530-246-1773The Darkside (Red Bluff, CA.)
    1068 South Main Street
    Red Bluff, CA 96080
    (530) 527-9700You can also connect with us on Facebook Redding – Red Bluff