Category: Skateboards

The Darkside is proud to announce that we are now carrying a variety of skateboards and supplies. Also Providing brands such as Flip, Creature, Santa Cruz, Independent and theres much more to come. Now skateboarding continues to be a growing sport in our community and we look forward to providing YOU with the proper gear.

Because Skateboarding is an action sport, which involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. Skateboarding can also be considered a recreational activity. As well as, an art form, a job, plus method of transportation. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. Thus, A 2009 report found that the sport of skateboarding has 11.08 million active skateboarders in the world.
We offer a large variety of wheels from makers like Spitfire, OJ’s, Slime Ball, Bones, Shark Wheels, Santa Cruz, Death Star, Ricta, Sector 9, Mini Logo and more. We also offer 50mm to 90mm wheels sizes.

And Yet More

In conclusion, We offer a large selection of Brands and sizes. 7.5 inch to 11 inch. Alien Workshop, Almost, Aluminati, Antihero, Arbor, Bacon, Baker, Birdhouse, Black Label, Blind, Blood Wizard, Chocolate, Cliche, Coda, Consolidated, Creature, Darkstar, Deathwish, Demon Seed, Dgk, Diamond Supply Co., Doom Sayers, Element, also Enjoi.

And Also Fancy Lad, Fiveboro, Flip, Foundation, Girl, Globe, Habitat, Heroin, Hosoi, Krooked, Meow, Meridian, Mini Logo, Moonshine Mfg, Moonshine Skateboards, Omen, Pizza, Plan B,Powell Peralta. Primitive, Prism, Real, Santa Cruz, Sector 9, Shipyard Skates, Siren, Sk8 Mafia, Skate Mental, Suicidal Skates,Techne Skate and also Toy Machine.

In conclusion

You can also contact one of our two smoke shops.

The Darkside (Redding, CA.)
975 Hilltop Dr
Redding, CA 96003

The Darkside (Red Bluff, CA.)
1068 South Main Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(530) 527-9700

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